Auction Tumbler was created to save time and make you more money. A small group of investors within the Tampa Bay area needed a way to eliminate the cumbersome process of auction research and transform it into an efficient and effective methodology. They knew that if they could succeed in creating a tool to help them research and query the auction data, they could dramatically increase their profits. Originally the program was only used by an elite group of investors in Tampa, FL. After two years of success, they unanimously decided to turn the program into a multi user interface available to others on the web. It took a small team of web developers, 1.5 years to complete the interface and API.
Each county has a different amount of auctions at any moment based on the population, average income, and macro state of the economy. On Average a single county can have over 1,000 properties listed for auction within a single month, spanning about 4 months in the future. This equates to thousands of auctions to choose from at any given moment for a single County.
Auction tumbler is mobile / tablet friendly! We have invested a large amount of effort to make sure that all of AT is compatible with all mobile devices. We hope that going this extra mile will help our customers be able to conduct research on the go, or on the couch.
Yes, subscribers or "members" will receive full access to all of the data for all of the counties that we serve. We are currently serving Hillsborough, Sarasota and Pinellas County.
Auction Tumbler is a research platform. When you are ready to actually place a bid at auction you do so in the corresponding County website, referenced in the below url. AT is a tool used to complete the necessary research before you make a bid on a property at auction. For a list of some county websites and more information on how to make bids on auctions visit Understanding auctions.
Main Navigation > Search Foreclosures > Click on [Columns to display], you can select "Winner Type" checkbox. Hit SEARCH. When the results appear you can sort by Winner Name in the table. This will show you all of the 3rd party bidders. Additionally, in the [Refine Search Criteria] dropdown, you can select the checkbox "exclude canceled listings", to clear out the ones that were cancelled. There is also another nice view option to see all past sold 3rd party winners. In the main navigation go to PAST SOLD ANALYSIS > PAST SOLD MAP VIEW.