Hillsborough Zoning Districts

updated: 9/13/2015

Code Short Description Explanation
AM Agricultural Mining The purpose of this district is to protect viable long-term agricultural lands from urban and suburban encroachment by encouraging agricultural, residential, and related uses on parcels of at least twenty (20) acres. The district provides the opportunity for phosphate mining and extractive activities.
A Agriculture The purpose of this district is to protect viable long term agricultural lands so classified in the Comprehensive Plan from urban and suburban encroachment by encouraging commercial agricultural use of the land, residential development, and related uses on parcels of at least ten (10) acres.
AR Agricultural Rural The purpose of this district is to protect viable long term agricultural lands so classified in the Comprehensive Plan from urban and suburban encroachment by encouraging agriculture and related uses on parcels of at least five (5) acres.
AS-0.4 Agricultural, Single-Family Estate The purpose of this district is to permit single-family conventional and mobile home residential development in a low density rural environment which encourages agricultural activities and their supporting uses. The minimum lot size in the AS-0.4 district is 2.5 acres.
AS-1 Agricultural, Single-Family The purpose of this district is to encourage agricultural and related uses and permit single-family conventional and mobile home development in a rural environment on parcels of at least one (1) acre.
ASC-1 Agricultural, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to encourage agricultural and related uses and permit single-family conventional development in a rural environment on lots containing a minimum of one (1) acre.
AI Agricultural Industrial The purpose of this district is to allow agricultural and related uses within areas designated for industrial uses by the Comprehensive Plan on parcels of at least one (1) acre. New residential development is not permitted in the AI district.
RSC-2 Residential, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for one-half acre or larger lot single-family conventional development in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and preserve the suburban density living environment.
RSC-3 Residential, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for one-third acre or larger lot single-family conventional development in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and preserve the low-density suburban living environment.
RSC-4 Residential, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for one-fourth acre or larger lot single-family conventional development in a suburban living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RSC-6 Residential, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for 7,000 square foot or larger lot single-family conventional development in a suburban living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RSC-9 Residential, Single-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for 5,000 square foot or larger lot single-family conventional development in a medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RSC-10 Residential Single-Family Conventional
MH Residential, Single-Family Mobile Home Overlay The purpose of this overlay district is to provide for the opportunity for the development of mobile homes on lots that are consistent with the underlying zoning in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RDC-6 Residential, Duplex Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for 7,260 square foot or larger lot conventional two family zero lot line, conventional two family development while preserving a low-medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RDC-12 Residential, Duplex Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for 3,500 square foot or larger lot conventional two family zero lot line, conventional two family development while preserving a medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RMC-6 Residential, Multi-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for areas of conventional multiple family dwelling units such as triplex, quadplex, and townhouse types of structures while preserving a low-medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RMC-9 Residential, Multi-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for areas of conventional multiple family dwelling units such as duplex, triplex, quadraplex and townhouse types of structures in a low-medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RMC-12 Residential, Multi-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for areas of conventional multiple family dwelling units in a medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RMC-16 Residential, Multi-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for areas of conventional, multiple family dwelling units in a medium density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
RMC-20 Residential, Multi-Family Conventional The purpose of this district is to provide the opportunity for areas of conventional multiple family dwelling units in a high density living environment in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan.
BPO Business, Professional Office The purpose of this district is to provide for office development. This district shall be applied at appropriate locations in conformance with the goals, policies, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan where it will not adversely impact the facilities and services of the County; and were it will not set a precedent for the introduction of an inappropriate use into the area. This district can also be utilized as a transitional district between residential development and commercial districts.
OR Office Residential The purpose of this district is to provide for office development on a small scale within an existing residential structure. This district shall only be applied at appropriate locations to serve the needs of such neighborhoods in conformance with the goals, policies, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
CN Commercial, Neighborhood The purpose of this district is to provide for limited retail uses and personal services in freestanding buildings or small shopping centers to serve residential neighborhoods. This district shall be applied at appropriate locations to supply the daily retail and service needs of such neighborhoods where it will not adversely impact the facilities and services of the County; and where it will not set a precedent for the introduction of inappropriate uses into an area.
CG Commercial, General The purpose of this district is to provide for a variety of retail and service uses in free-standing buildings or shopping centers to serve the community's general commercial needs. This district shall only be applied at appropriate locations to conveniently meet the needs of the community in conformance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; where it will not adversely impact the facilities and services of the County; and where it will not set a precedent for the introduction of inappropriate uses in the area.
CI Commercial, Intensive The purpose of this district is to provide areas for intense commercial activities permitting commercial and service uses which have greater external affects such as noise, traffic, vibration, or outdoor storage. This district shall only be applied at appropriate locations in conformance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. This district shall be located where it will not adversely impact the facilities and services of the County and where it will not set a precedent for the introduction of inappropriate uses into an area.
M Manufacturing The purpose of this district is to provide areas for manufacturing, processing or assembling uses, intensive commercial uses and other industrial uses in appropriate areas of Hillsborough County in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Appropriate performance standards shall be applied to limit the effect of such uses on uses within the district and adjacent districts.
SB Show Business Overlay
SPI-HC Historic and Cultural Conservation
SPI-RVR Recreational Vehicle and Private Pleasure Craft Residential Overlay
SPI-UC-1 Special Public Interest-University Community
SPI-UC-2 Special Public Interest-University Community
SPI-UC-3 Special Public Interest-University Community
SPI-AP-1 Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-AP-2 Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-AP-3 Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-AP-4 Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-AP-5 Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-AP-V Special Public Interest - Airport
SPI-NMD Special Public Interest - North Dale Mabry Overlay
PD Planned Development
IPD-1 Interstate Planned Development
IPD-2 Interstate Planned Development
IPD-3 Interstate Planned Development
BMS Brandon Main Street
CPV Citrus Park Village
R-BPO Restricted-Business Professional Office Overlay
UCA-MS University Community Area Main Street
UCA-NHO University Community Area Neighborhood Office

Hillsborough - Table of allowable uses in zoning districts

Pasco County zoning link
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