Florida Foreclosure Auctions

AuctionTumbler.com is Shutting Down.

After 10 years of hard work and programming Auctiontumbler.com is shutting down. All Data has stopped updating and new logins have been closed. The website will remain in stasis mode until further notice.

We service foreclosure data in the following Florida Counties

Broward, Citrus, Miami-Dade, Duval, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, and Volusia County

Hillsborough auction's coming up (click to view)

Additional counties available with registration.

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Our "past sold map view" accurately keeps track of all third party sales and allows you to see if your target property is likely to sell for a particular amount in a certain neighborhood.

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Add all of the sinkhole/subsidence reports onto the map to see if your property is in a danger area.

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Research Workflow System

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Accurate & Expansive property detail information

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Get property 20%-40% off market value

With the auctiontumbler system you will be able to view and research foreclosure auction properties. When executed correctly, it is possible to buy real estate deals at auction giving you a deep discount compared to market valule. From there auction investors either flip the properties themselves or immediately sell the property to another investor. Learn how to become a professional auction investor.
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Foreclosure & Tax deed Homes For Sale

Auction Tumbler is a tool to help you succeed at investing in real estate auctions. We take a data heavy approach that allows you to dramatically cut down on your research time.

Create a unique strategy by searching for properties that have specific criteria.

Search Like Never Before

  • Multi unit properties only
  • Properties with specific zone type
  • Land size
  • Amount of Bedrooms, or interior sqft
  • Foundation type (avoid wood frame)
  • Built in greater than date
  • Location based searching

Professional Highlight

Natalia Ouellette - Real Estate Law, LCO
Natalia Ouellette

The right data analytics will help you determine how, when, and how much to bid at the next foreclosure auction. Your winning bid may be challenged by objections, bankruptcy filings, uncooperative tenants, and frustrated borrowers. Attorney Natalia Ouellette from LCO Law LLC has a decade of experience defending investor's rights at foreclosure. For investor FAQs check out her blog or visit her YouTube page. Never again let third parties intimidate you at auction.

Interested in being a professional sponsor? Contact us for more information.

Recently sold properties to individuals or businesses

Coy Properties LLC
01-19-2424, $151,200
Buyer 1. ASSOCIATION OF POINCIANA VILLAGES Trust- whose mailing address is -c/o 256 GROUPER CT POINCIANA, FL- 34759 Buyer 2. Polk 202112 Trust,-whose mailing address is -c/o 4604 49th St N 167,St Pe
01-19-2424, $98,100
01-18-2424, $261,000
Tayld Investments, LLC.
01-18-2424, $96,600
01-18-2424, $212,000
419 40TH AVE S & 419 1/2 40TH, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33705
Bay To Gulf Holdings, LLC
01-17-2424, $238,000
4527 73RD ST N, ST PETERSBURG, FL 33709
Catamount Properties 2018, LLC
01-17-2424, $222,100
2824 NW 99 TER, SUNRISE, FL 33322
Avant-Garde Properties of S Fl., LLC,Trustee of the Broward R.E Florida Land Trust #331 dated January 1,2015 The trustee under Florida Statute 689.073 has the power and authority to protect, to cons
01-17-2424, $144,100

Login to see all sold properties.

Worth the time.

I realized real estate auctions was the only real way to get below market value deals. I did my research and within 2 months I acquired my first rental at a steal.
Hats off to the guys at AT!

Lance Akhumian-

In it to win it.

Auction Tumbler has been incredibly helpful with doing my daily property research! All of the data you need to make informed decisions and further research all in one place.

Josh Freeman-

Don't Look Back

A friend had told me about Auction Tumbler. I gave it a try and wish I had found it sooner.
Thanks for all the help,

Jason Phillips-

Free Tool! County Comparator Map (Beta)

We created a tool that allows someone to view population changes for every single County in the United States at the same time. Free to the public! See population change, population gross change, unemployment, 9 year change and more. Quickly find emerging markets in the United States.

Landing Page for County Comparator Map
Youtube video explaining the tool

Auction Tumbler specializes in gathering and displaying homes that are coming up for auction by the government. Buying foreclosures at auction is a unique strategy that has been known to yield great results when researched correctly. Auction Tumbler is unique because we specialize in keeping track of auctions solely in the Counties of Broward, Citrus, Miami-Dade, Duval, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, and Volusia County. Larger, non-specialized websites will display outdated online property auction information which is of no use. If you are looking to purchase at auction in one of these Counties, this is the website for you.

Your next deal starts here!

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